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Slomski Wojciech (ISM Slovakia in Prešov)
Economic and entrepreneurial ethic
Społeczeństwo i Edukacja. Międzynarodowe Studia Humanistyczne, 2015, nr 4, s. 211-217, bibliogr.12 poz.
Society and Education. International Humanist Studies
Słowa kluczowe
Ekonomia, Etyka
Economics, Ethics
It is often assumed in business ethics publications that a business activity is a kind of a profession, and that is why business ethics is treated as the professional ethics. However, such an approach does not seem well-founded because the notion of business does not mean only one, possible to define precisely, kind of activity. One could admittedly recognize that business ethics is the ethics of a businessman; that is, a person being the owner of the enterprise and managing it. However, presenting the issue in such a way, would exclude the activity of these enterprises which do not have a sole proprietor(e.g. state-owned enterprises and joint-stock companies) from the competence of business ethics(original abstract)
Pełny tekst
  1. Czarnecki, P. Ethics for a social worker, IP WSEI, Lublin 2011, ss. 200, ISBN 978- 83-62074-37-2
  2. Czarnecki, P. Praca socjalna, Difin, Warszawa 2013, ss. 253, ISBN 978-83-7641- 38-5
  3. CZARNECKI, P., Sucasne problemy teorie a praxe socjalnej prace c Polsku, ISM Slovakia, Brno 2015, ss.235, ISBN 978-80-87502-1
  4. Czarnecki, P. Teorija i osnowy etiki, ISM, Slovakia, Kijów 2015, ss.140, ISBN978- 966-7972-38-7
  5. Czarnecki, P. Etika medzi dobrom a zlom, ISM Slovakia, Brno 2015, ss. 122, ISBN 978-80-87502
  6. Solomon R. C.: Etyka biznesu. In: Singer, P.: Przewodnik po etyce. Warszawa 2002, s. 403
  7. Płużański, T.: Filozofia dla ekonomistów. Warszawa 1995, cz. I, s. 195
  8. Friedman, M.: Kapitalizm i wolność, "Rzeczpospolita". Warszawa 1982, s. 128
  9. Kleer, J. / Kondratowicz, A. (Ed.) Gospodarka i demokracja w Polsce. Dojrzałość i trwałość instytucji ( Economy and democracy in Poland. Maturity and stability of institutions). Warsaw: CeDeWu and Higher School OLYMPUS, 2007
  10. Kołodko, G.: Od szoku do terapii. Ekonomia i polityka transformacji (From shock to therapy. Economy and the policy of transformation). Warsaw: 1999, p. 133
  11. Marinicová, M. / Storoška, M.: Security and Safety of Organisations - Technological and Human factors. In: The Internet, Competitiveness and the organizational Security. Zlín: FME UTB, 2008. s. 40-46
  12. Friedman, M.: Kapitalizm i wolność (Capitalism and freedom). Warsaw: 1993
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