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Nakatomi Kiyokazu (University of Presov, Slovakia)
Philosophy of Nothingness and Love
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2015, nr 17 (2), s. 99-124, bibliogr. 35 poz.
Humanum. International Social and Humanities Studies
Słowa kluczowe
Filozofia, Poglądy filozoficzne
Philosophy, Philosophical thought
Europa, Azja
Europe, Asia
The purpose of this paper is to break the dry and blocking condition of the contemporary philosophy and to create the new horizon of philosophy. The question about nothingness had begun in all ages and places. For example, Lao-tzu, Chaung-tzu, Solomon, Buddha, Pascal, Nietzsche, Bergson and Heidegger. The European philosophy started from Plato who created the idea of being. But the whole of being and matter occupies only a slight position in the universe. Compared to the universe, the whole of being and matter is as negligible as three ants to the earth itself ( the average density of the universe ) . European philosophy has been only questioning about three ants and the idea of them. On the other hand, we question about nothingness which includes three ants and the void of the earth size. Nothingness is not non-existence of all things. It includes, and also transcends relative nothingness and being. We call it Transcendental Nothingness or Absolute Nothingness. Nothingness is the highest wisdom which the transcendent-being revealed to mankind and continues to infinity →eternity→the transcendent being, God→love. I call this the principle of nothingness and love. The following is the proof of it.(original abstract)
Pełny tekst
  1. Bergson, Henri (1896), Matière et mémoire, P.U.F. (Matter and memory) Bergson, Henri (1907), L'évolution créatrice, P.U.F., , 142e édition E.C. is the abbreviated title. (Creative Evolution)
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  3. Bergson, Henri (1934), La pensée et le mouvant, P.U.F., 91e édition, p.166.
  4. Bergson, Henri (1889), Essai sur les données immédiates de la conscience, P.U.F. Time and Free Will
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  6. Chuang-tzu (1994), Chuang-tzu, translated by Osamu Kanaya, Iwanami Bunko, Tokyo.
  7. Compendium of philosophy (1971), Heibonsha, Tokyo.
  8. Confucuis (1979) , The Analects, Penguin Classics, London.
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  12. Hattori, Takeshi Hattori (1990), Chuang-tzu - Yamato and the roaming world, Fuzambo Tokyo.
  13. Izvestia (2014), Volgograd State Pedagogical University
  14. Martin Heidegger (1927), Sein und Zeit, Niemyer.
  15. Mori, Mikisaburo (1978), Lao-tzu, Chuang-tzu by 'Intellectual Heritage Of Mankind', No 5, Kodansha ,Tokyo.
  16. Martin Heidegger (1962-1955), Heidegger - selected works, Risosha Tokyo
  17. Lao-tzu Chuang-tzu, Lao-tzu, Chuang-tzu (1960- ), Chuang-tzu Volume VII VIII, New Interpretation System of Old Chinese, Meiji Shoin, Tokyo.
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  19. Nagarjuna (1980), Middle Way, Man's intellectual heritage No.13, Kodansha, Tokyo.
  20. Nakatomi, Kiyokazu (2002), Philosophy of Nothingness and Love, Tokyo, Hokuju company
  21. Nakatomi, Kiyokazu (2007), 'On the concept of energy by Bergson and Einstein', Parerga No.3, University of finance and management in Warsaw
  22. Nakatomi, Kiyokazu (2008), 'On the synthesis of the theory of relativity and quantum theory', 22th World Congress of Philosophy, Abstracts.
  23. Nakatomi, Kiyokazu (2012), New Horizon of Sciences by the Principle of Nothingness and love, Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken.
  24. Newton (1999) /Japanese science magazine/ 'Why was the universe born from nothingness?' Newton Press, January, page 47.
  25. Nietzsche's compiled works (1979-1985) published by Hakusuisha Tokyo
  26. Nietzsche, Friedrich (1967-1977), Sämtliche Werke, Kritische Studienausgabe in 15 Bänden, Herausgegeben von Giorgio Colli und Mazzino Montinari, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag de Gruyter'.
  27. Nietzsche, Friedrich (1982), Friedrich Nietzsche Werke in drei Bänden, Band 3, Her-ausgegeben von Karl Schlechta, Carl Hanser Verlag, München
  28. Yuda, Yutaka (1987), Nietzsche and Buddhism, Bon Books, World Sacred Book Association, Tokyo Translated by Tomio Tezuka, Nietzshe (1975), Great Books of The World 46, Chuo-koronsha ,Tokyo.
  29. Nishio, Kanji (1977), Nietzsche, Chuokoronsha Publishing, Part I, p. 223.
  30. Mishima, Kenichi (1987), Nietzsche, Iwanami Shoten Publishing, Tokyo.
  31. Sophocles (2012), Oedipus The King, translated into Japanese by Norio Fujisawa, Iwanami Library, Tokyo, The quotations depend upon this book. For the English version, I used the Project Gutenberg. Oedipus King of Thebes by Sophocles, Translated into English rhyming verse with explanatory notes by Gilbert Murray LL.D.,D.Litt., F.B.A. Regius Professor of Greek in the university of Oxford, 1911
  32. Społeczeństwo i Edukacja, Międzynarodowe Studia Humanistyczne Nr 2/2012 Warsaw.
  33. Yoshida, Atsuhiko (1995), The mystery of Oedipus in Japanese, Seidosha Publishing, Tokyo.
  34. Studies in Comparative Philosophy No 12 (1986), The Japanese Association for Comparative Philosophy.
  35. The Bible, King James Version (1997), Oxford World's Classics, Oxford University Press .
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