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Trippner-Hrabi Justyna (University of Social Sciences), Hrabi Mark (Government Policy Advisor Department for Transport in London)
Selected Aspects of Enterprise Internationalization
Journal of Intercultural Management, 2014, vol. 6, nr 2, s. 49-61, tab., bibliogr. 27 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Internacjonalizacja przedsiębiorstw, Zarządzanie przedsiębiorstwem, Menedżer
Enterprise internationalization, Enterprise management, Manager
Business environment is constantly evolving and it is getting shrunk as managers acting in the market economy encounter some problems and a great deal of implicated solutions from one country can be applied in others. This situation leads to the rise of market systems where various agreements, which are reached, aim at liberalization of trade and cooperation [Penc J., 2003, pp.126-127]. The speed of forwarding messages, products, services, easiness in making relationships, blurring the time and spatial boundaries, and convergence of customer's tastes or standard unification enable trade and world's production to develop. It also causes the borders to be on the decline at the same time increasing enterprise competition level internationally. The objective of paper is to indicate and describe the selected aspects connected with enterprise internationalization. The analysis and review of national and international literature were provided in the article. (original abstract)
Pełny tekst
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