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Sułkowski Łukasz (University of Management, Poland)
Organizational Culture and the Trend of Critical Management Studies
Journal of Intercultural Management, 2012, vol. 4, nr 1, s. 91-101, bibliogr. 34 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Kultura organizacyjna, Teorie zarządzania
Organisational culture, Management theories
Representatives of CMS believe that in order for the theory and practice of management to get a humanistic dimension, it is necessary to incorporate emancipation as a core value in the organizational culture. Without it, all theories and methods of management will be instrumental. Problems of culture in management were an area where alternative management trends originated and developed. It is similar in the case of CMS, for which cultural issues are of key importance both from epistemological as well as methodological and pragmatic points of view. A value of CMS is the use of neo-marxism, the Frankfurt school and feminism in the studies of neomarxist culture. Earlier they were used rather in political sciences and sociology. Another advantage of CMS is stimulating of the awareness of researchers, managers and workers, the aim which is to increase ethical sensitivity and social responsibility of management sciences. It is connected with a proposition to develop new methods and techniques of culture studies, such as: empowerment, parities, action research, discursive tools. (original abstract)
Pełny tekst
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