- Autor
- Feigelfeld Heidrun (SUITE, urban and housing research, Vienna, Austria)
- Tytuł
- Spatial Planning + Revitalisation of Socially Excluded Zones. Sustainable Success or Hope?
- Źródło
- Problemy Rozwoju Miast, 2011, nr 3-4, s. 38-54, bibliogr. 26 poz.
- Słowa kluczowe
- Rewitalizacja, Rewitalizacja miasta, Gospodarka przestrzenna, Wykluczenie społeczne
Revitalization, City revitalization, Spatial economy, Social exclusion - Abstrakt
- The main questions formulated for the IRM Instytut Rozwoju Miast Kraków Seminar in May 2011 on 'Spatial Planning and Revitalisation of Socially Excluded Zones' were clustered around the 'social exclusion/social inclusion' issue and the value of revitalisation, especially discussing various tools and action. The author of this article, invited to give a presentation at this seminar and to contribute to the discussion, thus refers here to lessons learnt from a whole range of projects, either in the context of European research and exchange or related to Austrian experience over many years. The title - SUSTAINABLE SUCCESS OR HOPE? should make clear that there is not the 'one and only answer' with regard to the positive value of revitalisation. However, a 'common picture' can be distilled from a transversal view of the present findings. From a 'social inclusion' discussion, based on the EU project AURORA plus, via housing- and neighbourhood-related recommendations from activities within the EU URBACT programme (the projects SUITE, CoNet, HOPUS, the 'Prevention' Workshop) to the experience from the Vienna Urban Renewal Offices, stakeholders and experts from a whole range of European cities have defined similar challenges and are urgently appealing for concerted action in the revitalisation field. Of course, opinions underlying policy and implementation as well as tools judged to be efficient and effective should and are being questioned and examined by research. Some assumptions, phenomena and tools of policy are currently under discussion - neighbourhood effects, social mix, gentrification and the role of the local economy and employment measures. The essence of all these lessons shows a main point of access: a holistic view is essential in many respects (fields, issues, quality, actors/people involved, timing). 1+1+1=more than 3, thus THINK integrated from the outset. This paper concludes with a small bundle of recommendations for future sustainable success in revitalisation.(original abstract)
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- Biblioteka SGH im. Profesora Andrzeja Grodka
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- Bibliografia
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- URBACT PROGRAMME Weblink for the URBACT programme and all URBACT projects and activities mentioned below: www.urbact.eu List of projects - project mini-websites.
- SUITE (Ed.) (2011), SUITE The Housing Project - A Synthesis of the Local Action Plans of the partners. Within EU URBACT. Santiago de Compostela. See the URBACT projectmini-website.
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- SUITE (Ed.) (2011), Three Thematic Reports. Social Mix (D. Czischke). Housing Affordability (D. Czischke). Environmental Sustainability in Housing (H. Feigelfeld). Santiago de Compostela. See the URBACT project-mini-website.
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- Cytowane przez
- 1733-2435
- Język
- eng