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Sokołowicz Mariusz E. (University of Lodz, Poland)
Territorialization of Transnational Corporations as a Form of Intercultural Management : a Review of Theory and Selected Studies
Journal of Intercultural Management, 2011, vol. 3, nr 2, s. 143-159, tab., rys., bibliogr. 58 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Korporacje międzynarodowe, Zarządzanie międzykulturowe, Relacje organizacja-otoczenie
International corporation, Intercultural management, Organization-environment relations
Łódzki Obszar Metropolitalny
Lodz Metropolitan Area
This paper presents the concept of territorialization as a form of embededdness - the phenomenon that underlines an active role of local of regional business environment in the processes of building long-term competitive advantage of both enterprises and territories. Although this idea derives from economic sociology, putting accent on social relations between economic actors, it is also becoming more popular in the field of regional economics, supported by the intellectual heritage of institutionalism. The thesis about important role of spatial proximity, in terms of its contribution to building regional specific resources, based on the cultural and economic history, is especially interesting in the analyses of transnational corporations. The latter, when are able to build long term effective relations of their subsidiaries with local environment, can become a knowledge-based innovative organizations, and thus, draw from the relational rent which is territorially rooted. This kind of corporate strategy should be perceived as a form of high intercultural competences and be a manifestation of combining a success of the corporation with the success of the region. According to the research conducted in Łódź and Łodź Metropoiltan Area, this Polish region is still far from such a model of management. It is still a place attracting foreign direct investors mainly by low prices of land and labor as well as tax exemptions. This situation is an effect of both strategies of corporations, locating their affiliates here, and strategies of territorial units attracting foreign investors. In order to start building a long term (sustainable) competitive advantage, this region should concentrate more on identifying and valorizing specific resources as location factors. Among the latter, one should indicate strong linkages with local suppliers or universities, but also a knowledge and competence base, residing, among other things, in the cultural conditions. (original abstract)
Pełny tekst
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