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Sułkowski Łukasz (Społeczna Wyższa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości i Zarządzania w Łodzi)
Universal Sources of Hierarchy and Power from the Perspective of Neoevolutionism
Journal of Intercultural Management, 2009, vol. 1, nr 2, s. 59-69, bibliogr. 21 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Władza, Zróżnicowanie kulturowe
Power, Cultural diversity
The author of the paper expresses the opinion that research and reflection upon the subject of power are and will be developed in many scientific disciplines, however it is the neo-evolutionary approach that allows the opportunity to integrate the results of the research of the origins of power with its primary features. Cultural variability of power is created on the biological foundations and infrequently develops on the principle of antinomy. From the point of view of management sciences, there should be a theory of power that would allow to model management related processes. (original abstract)
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