- Autor
- Ristino Robert J. (Clark University)
- Tytuł
- Cultural Warrior : Public Relations as Artifact and Agent of Culture
- Źródło
- Journal of Intercultural Management, 2009, vol. 1, nr 2, s. 70-82, bibliogr. 34 poz.
- Słowa kluczowe
- Kultura, Public relations
Culture, Public relations - Abstrakt
- As an artifact of culture, public relations reflects our perceptions of the power of the media and those who manipulate it to influence and shape public opinion and behavior. As an agent of culture, public relations plays an active role in influencing and shaping our thinking, feeling and behavior in the world. As both artifact and agent, public relations is a warrior, forever engaged in transmitting and transforming the culture that both spawned and nutures it. (fragment of text)
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- Bibliografia
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