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Ignatowski Grzegorz (Społeczna Wyższa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości i Zarządzania)
The Arrest of Hilarion Capucci and the Relations between the Holy See and the State of Israel
Journal of Intercultural Management, 2009, vol. 1, nr 2, s. 116-121, bibliogr. 11 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Religie chrześcijańskie, Żydzi, Sytuacje konfliktowe
Christian religions, Jews, Conflict situations
Watykan, Izrael
Vatican, Israel
Capucci Hilarion
The official contacts between the Holy See and the State of Israel were not very frequent during the pontificate of Paul VI. One of the situations which contributed to tightening the relations was the act of arresting archbishop Hilarion Capucci by the Israeli police on August 18, 1974, on a charge of collaboration with the Palestinian independence movement. The court sentenced him to twelve years imprisonment, but three years later, in 1977, the official talks began between the Holy See and the Jewish State, aiming at freeing Capucci. The Pope even sent a letter to Ephraim Kazir, the State of Israel`s President. After the papal message the arrest of the archbishop ended on the 6th of November 1977. That was the second or the third occasion when the Pope addressed the President of the Jewish State by his name and the official title. (original abstract)
Pełny tekst
  1. Communique du Saint-Siege sur la liberation de Mgr Capucci. La Documentation Catholique 1977, No. 1730, pp. 962-963.
  2. Declaration de la Salle de Press du Saint-Siege apres la condamnation de Mgr Capucci. La Documentation Catholique 1975, No. 1668, p. 97.
  3. Declaration des chefs des Communautés chrétiennes des Damas au sujet de l'arrestation de Mgr Capucci. La Documentation Catholique 1975, No. 1668, pp. 98-99.
  4. Exchange de lettres entre le grand rabbin Kaplan et le cardinal Villot au sujet de Mgr Capucci. La Documentation Catholoque 1975, No 1672, pp. 292-293.
  5. Extraits d'une letter de Mgr Capucci ŕ son patriarche, Sa Beatitude Maximos V Hakim, datée de la prison de Ramleh, le 16 mars 1976. La Documentation Catholique 1976, No. 1697, pp. 447-448.
  6. Il pellegrinaggio di Paolo VI in Terra Santa, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Vatican City 1964.
  7. Giniewski P., 2000. L'antijudaďsme chrétien. La mutation. Paris: Éditions Salvador.
  8. Message du patriarche Maximos V. La Documentation Catholique 1976, No. 1697, p. 447.
  9. Mendes M., 1990. Le Vatican et Israël. Paris: Les Éditions du CERF.
  10. Paul VI, Lettre ŕ Mgr Capucci. La Documentation Catholique 1976, No. 1691, p. 107.
  11. Problčmes de L'Eglise melkite et du Proche Orient. Lettre du Patriarche Maximos V. La Documentation Catholique 1974, No. 1662, pp. 881-882.
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