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Surdej Aleksander
Poland and the OECD: Making Poland's Voice Heard
Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 2016, Vol. 14, z. 4, s. 13-15
Yearbook of the Institute of East-Central Europe
Tytuł własny numeru
Re-thinking the OECD's Role in Global Governance: Members, Policies, Influence
Słowa kluczowe
Organizacje międzynarodowe
International organisations
Organizacja Współpracy Gospodarczej i Rozwoju, Grupa G20
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), G20 Group
Nobody questions that the world needs adequate governance structures and policies, i.e. shared principles, agreed rules and common institutions. Without them productive competition becomes destructive rivalry, cooperation takes place too rarely and global public goods remain underprovided. Still, the awareness of this generally recognized challenge does not translate into widely held convictions that the world has a proper governance setup which supports the sustainable development of people and nation states. The establishment of optimal governance structures and policies is the responsibility of world leaders. However, the way the institutions and organizations involved in the governance process operate depends on individual states. The latter are called to influence the functioning of all existing institutions by contributing ideas, people and resources and by maximizing their membership benefits. In other words, the quality of membership matters. (original abstract)
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