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Popowska Magdalena (Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland)
CSR Education in Poland - Current Situation and Future Challenges
Horyzonty Wychowania, 2016, vol. 15, nr 33, s. 87-101, tab., bibliogr. 23 poz.
Horizons of Education
Tytuł własny numeru
Philosophy of Education Today
Słowa kluczowe
Edukacja, Społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu, Szkolnictwo wyższe, Studenci, Wyższe szkoły biznesu
Education, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Higher education, Students, Higher business schools
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: This paper aims to present the general background of CSR education with particular emphasis on its enhancements existing in EU and other countries or continents. Its ambition is also to offer a picture of CSR related educational activities launched by Polish HEIs and assessed by students. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in nowadays business reality is constantly growing thanks to many factors, including the important promotional effort at all possible authorities levels and increasing educational effort of universities and in particular of business schools. Since there is no commonly accepted guideline/curriculum/content of social responsibility (SR) education, business schools at higher education institutions (HEIs) start to develop their own approaches on SR education. The context of CSR education has been outlined by the literature research and the analysis of the existing government initiatives, the activities of NGOs and of the universities themselves. This qualitative study allowed the researcher to conduct a survey aiming at the assessment of the CSR education by students. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: This paper attempts to draw attention to the growing challenge of educating responsible managers and therefore rising the awareness of the need for more sustainability in future business practice. Most of the analysed sources indicate that university, and in particular business school is an appropriate place for ethics or CSR education. In Poland this discussion is still very modest and of rather general nature, therefore this study propose a picture based on one particular management faculty. RESEARCH RESULTS: The results of the double analysis indicate that despite the existing efforts for CSR education in Poland, there is a lack of awareness of the importance of this education in Polish HEIs. Additionally, there is an existing gap between different management curricula and the student's evaluation of CSR education is quite low. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The content related to CSR approach seems embedded in numerous academic management courses. However, since the majority of students indicated willing to develop their CSR sensibility and competence by participating in the tailored projects, based both, on the real company or the university ground, it would be worth to convey this content to them in this particular way. The life-based sustainable projects would reinforce HEIs efforts in preparing, both students and institutions themselves, to face new challenges. (original abstract)
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Biblioteka Główna Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie
Pełny tekst
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