- Autor
- Przybojewski Jacek (Kolegium Jagiellońskie Toruńska Szkoła Wyższa)
- Tytuł
- The System of Constitutional Legal Rules in Poland after 1997
- Źródło
- Law and Administration in Post-Soviet Europe, 2016, vol. 3, iss. 1, s. 44-59, bibliogr. 18 poz.
- Słowa kluczowe
- Prawo konstytucyjne, Prawo, Przemiany polityczne
Constitutional law, Law, Political changes - Kraj/Region
- Polska
Poland - Abstrakt
- The fact that almost a quarter of a century ago formal solutions determining the transition to the democratic system were applied in Poland meant establishing new, widely demanded quality shaping the legal subjectivity of an individual. It was the result of introducing regulations setting standards typical for democracy, joining possible real influence of citizens on the political-legal reality in the state with the need of conscious participation in associated with this procedures, which were not used before. The more time passes, though, one can more clearly observe the dissonance between the legally determined means of citizen influence on the quality of governing, and the actual activity concerning this matter. It bears paradoxically amazing consequences, like the repetitive case of contesting democratically chosen authorities, whose composition is the result of socially approved attitudes and values, by significant groups of citizens.(fragment of text)
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- Bibliografia
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