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Theile Carsten (Fachhochschule Bochum, Niemcy)
Ansatz von Rückstellungen nach IAS Und HGB auf theoretischer Basis
Reserves According to IAS and HGB (German Commercial Law) on a Theoretical Basis
Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu, 2003, nr 992, s. 383-394, bibliogr. 14 poz.
Tytuł własny numeru
Rachunkowość krajów w drodze do Unii Europejskiej : rezerwy w rachunkowości
Słowa kluczowe
Rezerwy, Międzynarodowe Standardy Rachunkowości (MSR)
Reserves, International Accounting Standards (IAS)
The balance sheet item "provisions" in financial statements of entities independent of whether it is US-GAAP, IAS or HGB takes a high percentage of the balance sheet total. Rates of 10% to 20% aren't rare, also to 30% of the balance sheet total can be observed from time to time. Independently of legal regulations or standards of private standard setting bodies this paper shows whether the amount set up of provisions can be justified with the functions of financial reporting. It is worked out that only with underlying assumptions - the going concem principle and the accrual basis (matching principle) - a way to measure the expense in accordance with provisions can be found. The paper finally compares the theoretical basis of the balance sheet item provisions with existing German right and the norms of the IASB. (original abstract)
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Biblioteka Główna Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie
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  14. Theile C.: Kapitalmarktorientierte Rechnungslegung auch für die GmbH zwingend?, in GmbHRundschau 2001, S. 892.
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