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Kollár Roman (University of Health and Social Work sv. Alžbety in Bratislava, Slovakia)
Klasický hasičský výskum Bernarda Berelsona o úlohe novín v živote ich čitateľov
Bernard Berelson´s Classical Firehouse Research on the Role of a Newspaper in Reader´s Life
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2015, nr 19 (4), s. 109-115, bibliogr. 11 poz.
Humanum. International Social and Humanities Studies
Słowa kluczowe
Prasa, Strajki, Opinia publiczna, Badania ankietowe, Badania socjologiczne
Press, Strikes, Public opinion, Questionnaire survey, Sociological research
Berelson Bernard
The aim of this article is a presentation of Bernard Berelson´s classical firehouse research. Berelson´s research reflected the strike of eight major New York newspaper deliverymen and belongs to a category of firehouse projects. The research was conceived as qualitative survey based on intensive interviews with 60 people and the analysis of data led author to describing the role of a newspaper in reader´s life.(original abstract)
Pełny tekst
  1. Berelson, B. 1949. What "Missing the Newspaper" Means. In Communication Research 1948-1949. New York : Harper & Brothers, s. 111 - 129.
  2. Berelson, B., Lazarsfeld, P. F., Mcphee, W. N. 1986. Voting. A Study of Opinion Formation in a Presidential Campaign. Chicago - London : The University of Chicago Press, 395 s.
  3. Cantril, H., Gaudet, H., Herzog, H. 2008. The Invasion from Mars. A Study in the Psychology of Panic. New Brunswick - London : Transaction Publishers, 224 s.
  4. Jeřábek, H. 1997. Paul Lazarsfeld a počátky komunikačního výzkumu. Praha : Karolinum, 183 s.
  5. Kimball, P. 1959. People Without Papers. In The Public Opinion Quarterly, roč. 23, č. 3, s. 389 - 398.
  6. Lazarsfeld, P. F., Berelson, B., Gaudet, H. 1965. The People´s Choice. How the Voter Makes Up His Mind in a Presidential Campaign. New York : Columbia University Press, 178 s.
  7. Merton, R., Fiske, M., Curtis, A. 2004. Mass Persuasion. The Social Psychology of a War Bond Drive. New York : Howard Fertig, 210 s.
  8. Noelle-Neumann, E. 1980. The Public Opinion Research Correspondent. In The Public Opinion Quarterly, roč. 44, č. 4, s. 585 - 597.
  9. Sills, D. L. 1980. In Memoriam: Bernard Berelson, 1912-1979. In The Public Opinion Quarterly, roč. 44, č. 2, s. 274 - 275.
  10. Stockdale, G. P., SOOD, R. 1989. Emergency Public Information. A Quick Response Study of Coalinga. Boulder : Natural Hazard Research and Applications Information Center, 50 s.
  11. Zeisel, H. 1977. In Memoriam: Paul F. Lazarsfeld, 1901-1976. In The Public Opinion Quarterly, roč. 40, č. 4, s. 556 - 557.
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