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Vallová Jana
Násilie páchané na ženách ako prejav agresie a formy porušovania ľudských práv žien a možnosti riešenia
Violence against Women as a Sign of Aggression and Human Rights Violation of Women and Possible Solutions
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2015, nr 19 (4), s. 171-185, bibliogr. 9 poz.
Humanum. International Social and Humanities Studies
Słowa kluczowe
Przemoc, Przemoc w rodzinie, Prawa człowieka, Pozycja kobiety w społeczeństwie
Abuse, Violence in the family, Human rights, Women's position in society
The article deals with the issue of violence against women as a matter of human rights violation. It deals with the issue of violence against women with reference to the characteristics of domestic abusers and the most common victims - women in terms of education and economic activity. The article describes the myths about violence and international institutions dealing with violence against women. To write the article was used qualitative analysis of the sources of literature on the topic. To address violence against women and domestic violence involving different ministries and institutions, hence the need to strengthen the legal and institutional framework in order to recognize women's rights and their protection against all forms of violence. In order to address the issue of violence against women is an important addition to the national level of interest in its solutions at regional and local level. Providing fast, effective and available to help women at risk of violence and their children is often a crucial mechanism for saving lives of women and children, improving their quality of life and punishing the perpetrators. Despite the undeniable shift in the problem of violence against women in recent years it should be noted that we lack a systematic approach and coordinated provision of assistance to women experiencing violence, as well as systematic primary prevention, ie prevention of violence. It is necessary to enact legislation that will define domestic violence, including all its latent form.(original abstract)
Pełny tekst
  1. Bodnárová, B. et al.: Reprezentatívny výskum výskytu a skúseností žien s násilím páchanom na ženách (VAW) na Slovensku. Bratislava: Inštitút pre výskum práce a rodiny, 2008.
  2. Browne, K., Herbert, M.: Preventing Family Violence. Chichester: Wiley, 1996
  3. Eagly, A. H., Steffen, V. J.: Gender and aggressive behavior: A meta-analytic review of the special psychological literature. Psychological bulletin, 1986. s. 100, 309 - 330.
  4. Lovaš, L.: Agresia a násilie. Bratislava : Ikar, a. s., 2010. 197 s. ISBN 978-80-551- 1752-2
  5. Marvánová-Vargová, B. et al: Partnerské násilí. Praha : LINDE, s. r. o., 2008. 159 s. ISBN 978-80-86-86131-75-4.
  6. Mátel, A.: Naše možnosti pomoci ženám - obetiam domáceho násilia. Skalica : Občianske združenie ALIJA, 2009. 200 s. ISBN 978-80-970083-1-4.
  7. Parker R. N., Auernhahn, K.: Alcohol, drugs, and violence. Annual Review of Sociology. 1998. s. 24, 291-311.
  8. Piata Žena: Aspekty násilia páchaného na ženách. Bratislava : Záujmové združenie žien Aspekt, 2001. 385 s. ISBN 80-85549-28-X.
  9. Reid, L. W., Elifson, K. W., Sterk, C. E.: Hug drug or thug drug? Ecstasy use and aggressive behavior. Violence and Victims. 2007. s. 22, 104-119.
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