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Jaworzynska Magdalena (Maria Curie-Sklodowska University In Lublin, Poland)
Using Tools of Strategic Management in Medical Facilities of Lublin Region
Engineering Management in Production and Services, 2017, nr 2, s. 82-89, tab., bibliogr. 21 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Zarządzanie strategiczne, Placówki służby zdrowia, Szpitalnictwo, Narzędzia zarządzania, Opieka zdrowotna, Służba zdrowia, Planowanie strategiczne
Strategic management, Medical facilities, Hospital service, Management tools, Health care, Health service, Strategic planning
Region lubelski, Lubelszczyzna
Lublin region, Lubelszczyzna
The purpose of this article is to evaluate the use of tools of strategic management in hospitals in Lublin region. The study was conducted among 14 medical entities from the area of Lublin Voivodeship. The survey was addressed to economic directors or chief accountants of health care facilities and sent by post. The questionnaire was also helpful in conducting an in-depth interview as it provided a required structure. As part of the interviews with managers of health care facilities, information beyond the questionnaire was acquired, e.g. about the mission. According to studies, most health care facilities develop strategic plans (71.4%). For 21.4% of the studied facilities, the strategic plan is known mainly to management. In contrast, 28.6% of entities do not have a strategic plan. The presented results of the research can increase the effectiveness of activities in each area of the health care facility, continuous process improvement and rapid response to changes in the environment. (original abstract)
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Biblioteka SGH im. Profesora Andrzeja Grodka
Pełny tekst
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