- Autor
- Owsianowska Sabina (University of Physical Education in Krakow, Poland)
- Tytuł
- Prospects for the Critical Study of Tourism and the Role of Mentors in Academia
- Źródło
- Folia Turistica / Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. B. Czecha w Krakowie, 2011, nr 25, s. 379-397, bibliogr. 72 poz.
- Tytuł własny numeru
- The Master Classes
- Słowa kluczowe
- Turystyka, Badanie turystyki, Mentoring
Tourism, Tourism research, Mentoring - Uwagi
- summ.
Artykuł dostępny także w języku polskim w numerze 25(2) http://www.folia-turistica.pl/attachments/article/402/FT_25(2)_2011.pdf - Abstrakt
- Trends in present-day academia encourage the blurring of boundaries between disciplines in order to gain reciprocal, creative inspiration and a blend of various paradigms, with the aim of achieving a fuller description of a complex, multidimensional reality. Tourism studies are in essence interdisciplinary and involve the participation of representatives from many areas of knowledge, who draw from theory and research tools that are developed within the framework of established disciplines such as sociology, economics, business management, psychology, geography, art history, etc. Outstanding academics contribute to progress in education, and their experience makes it possible to critically examine current issues. This opens up a space for exploration, reciprocal inspiration and dialogue for researchers from various traditions, schools and generations who analyze the phenomena of contemporary travel. (original abstract)
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- Bibliografia
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