- Autor
- Kamba-Kibatshi Marcel (University Of Cardinal Stephan Wyszynski in Warsaw)
- Tytuł
- The Taxation of the Informal Economy as a Factor of Economic Development of the DRC: Situation and Prospects
Opodatkowanie szarej strefy jako czynnik rozwoju gospodarczego DRK: sytuacja i perspektywy - Źródło
- Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici. Zarządzanie, 2016, t. 43, nr 4, s. 63-75, tab., bibliogr. 17 poz.
- Słowa kluczowe
- Szara strefa, Kryzys finansowy, Opodatkowanie
Grey economy, Financial crisis, Taxation - Uwagi
- streszcz., summ.
- Kraj/Region
- Republika Konga
Democratic Republic of Congo - Abstrakt
- The taxation refers to all the rules, laws and measures governing the taxation of a country. The taxation plays a key role in the economy of a country. In Democratic Republic of Congo informal economy is more than a third of the economy, but thanks to her the recent global crisis was easier abolished in this country. Maybe because the information that the state has declared war on the informal economy does not coincide with reality. Because for most members of the government of this country enjoys the benefits of the informal economy. On the other hand, the National Institute of Statistics (NIS) announced that in a few years begin to formally take into account the whole informal economy, on the gross domestic product (GDP). However, this means that the informal economy positively affects the development of the economy and the welfare of consumers. The informal economy should be combated systematically restrict its activities, but we must not kill it. Nevertheless, in the Democratic Republic of Congo is still combats the fighting, using force, which brings poor results. As a social phenomenon is related to the "work to black", which allows freedom of social benefits. Often, for the employer is a way to reduce labor costs while for the employee is mainly better paid, or only able to find work. The informal economy provides hundreds of thousands of jobs due to non-payment of taxes (taxes) and avoid other labor costs. (original abstract)
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- Bibliografia
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- Cytowane przez
- 2450-7040
- Język
- eng
- http://dx.doi.org/10.12775/AUNC_ZARZ.2016.045