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Pomaza-Ponomarenko Alina Leonidivna (National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, Ukraine), Karpeko Nadija Mykolaivna (National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, Ukraine)
The development of Ukrainian education in the context of transformation of the state and regional administration
Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, 2016, nr 6(3), s. 64-69, bibliogr. 12 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Szkolnictwo wyższe, Administracja publiczna, System edukacji
Higher education, Public administration, Educational system
The essence of the Ukrainian regional system of higher education as an object of the state administration under the conditions of transformation is defined. The direction and concept of the state policy of education regionalization are determined. The fundamentals of this concept are as follows: the purpose of its development is the formation of the system of the state administration of higher education that will provide the mobilization of internal resources of the higher educational institutions and regions for the development of higher education and the optimization of distribution of nationwide resources directed at the educational area based on the principles of efficiency and justice. Thus, it is important to solving of problem of financing of the branch of higher education. (original abstract)
Pełny tekst
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