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Kawalec Paweł (John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin)
Perspectival Representation in DSGE Models
Economics and Business Review, 2017, vol. 3 (17), nr 3, s. 80-99, bibliogr. 64 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Model dynamicznej stochastycznej równowagi ogólnej, Eksperyment badawczy, Zarządzanie przez cele, Badania empiryczne, Nauki empiryczne, Pomiary, Makroekonomia, Badania naukowe
Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE), Scientific experiment, Management by objectives, Empirical researches, Empirical science, Measurement, Macroeconomics, Scientific research
Klasyfikacja JEL: B41, C11, E17
The author gratefully acknowledges the support of the Polish National Science Center (NCN) under the grant no UMO-2014/15/B/HS1/03770.
DSGE models (Introduction) have recently been criticized by P. Romer (2016) as pseudoscientific (Section 1). Their dominance is attributed to the uncritical "deference to authority" that has dominated macroeconomics "for the last 30 years". In contrast, the paper aims to support the widespread view that - their problems notwithstanding - DSGE models meet the epistemic standards of scientific research. The argument turns on the recent advancements in theories of scientific representation (Section 1) and of empirical grounding (Section 2). The latter is illustrated with a historical case, which also substantiates Romer's constructive point on the role of theory in design of measurements. (original abstract)
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Pełny tekst
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