- Autor
- Gorgoń Justyna
- Tytuł
- Regeneration of Urban and Post-Industrial Areas within the Context of Adaptation to Climate Change - the Polish Perspective
- Źródło
- Urban Development Issues, 2017, vol. 53, s. 21-26, bibliogr. 23 poz.
Problemy Rozwoju Miast - Słowa kluczowe
- Rewitalizacja miasta, Tereny poprzemysłowe, Zmiany klimatyczne
City revitalization, Post-industrial areas, Climate change - Uwagi
- summ.
Project of the internationalization of the Urban Development Issues journal is financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland (grant No. 841/P-DUN/2016). - Abstrakt
- Adaptation to climate change has become an important element of urban policy development in the member states of the European Union. These issues are dealt with in EU documents, as well as in national and local strategies and city adaptation plans. In Poland, the challenge of preparing for climate change has been presented in the Strategic Adaptation Plan for Sectors and Areas Sensitive to Climate Change in Poland within the Perspective of 2030 referring to sectors and areas sensitive to the impact of climate change. Adaptation to climate change is a key element in creating spatial policy for cities and urbanised areas at different levels. One of the most important issues of this policy is the quality of the renovated urban areas and its role in connecting-up and strengthening adaptation capacity. Among the strategic areas indicated in the above-mentioned document, there is also urban policy taking climate change into consideration. One of the selected problem areas relating to the development of urban policy is the renewal and strengthening of the development potential of towns and cities via the regeneration of degraded urban areas and post-industrial land in cities. Both local authorities, entities whose professional role is to deal with urban issues, and the inhabitants of urbanised areas face a twofold challenge. This consists of enhancing the quality of urban areas via regeneration and strengthening the city's potential for adaptation. That is why it is extremely important to notice the interconnections and opportunities provided by urban renewal and regeneration programmes and projects in the context of adaptation to climate change. Synergy of activities in those two areas of urban policy may bring about very measurable benefits and may enable a cohesive solution to be adopted with regard to many crucial environmental, social, and economic problems.(original abstract)
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- Biblioteka SGH im. Profesora Andrzeja Grodka
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- Bibliografia
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- Cytowane przez
- 1733-2435
- Język
- eng
- http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/udi-2017-0002