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Barančok Peter (Slovak Academy of Scienes in Bratislava), Barančoková Mária (Slovak Academy of Scienes in Bratislava)
Protection and Preservation of Traditional Agricultural Landscape with Dispersed Settlements as an Example of Traditional Landuse in the Kysuce Region (Northwestern Slovakia)
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich, 2017, nr IV/1, s. 1359-1371, bibliogr. 19 poz.
Infrastructure and Ecology of Rural Areas
Słowa kluczowe
Ochrona krajobrazu, Osadnictwo rolnicze, Użytkowanie ziemi
Landscape protection, Agricultural settlement, Land use
The aim of our work on the Kysuce region was to map the incidence of preserved TAL elements, assessment of their contemporary usage and assessment of the threat to them under the influence of anthropogenic and natural stress factors. To do so, it was crucial to understand space and time intersection of TAL existence, the interaction of socio-economic, abiotic and biotic systems of the landscape and assess correctly the contemporary trends of the evolution of society and the threat to the agrarian heritage resulting from it. High proportion of TAL, covering 12% of the whole area, is typical for the monitored region. There were two types of TAL: TAL with dispersed settlement, covering 2261.4 ha of the area (3%) and TAL of arable-land, grasslands, covering 6990.3 ha of the area (9%). In the agricultural country, TAL makes up for important stabilizing elements and their presence increases biodiversity in these regions. It is of high importance to classify TAL as significant landscape features that are important as local bio-centres (because of their benefits for society and the environment). (original abstract)
Pełny tekst
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