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Osiatyński Jerzy (Institute of Economics, Polish Academy of Science)
Michał Kalecki (1899-1970)
The National Economy, 2006, nr Special Issue, s. 15-44, rys., wykr., bibliogr. 30 poz.
Gospodarka Narodowa
Słowa kluczowe
Ekonomiści, Kształcenie ekonomistów, Ekonomia popytu, Równowaga gospodarcza, Neokeynesizm
Economists, Education of economists, Demand side economics, Economic equilibrium, Neokeynesian
Kalecki Michał
The paper discusses the relevance of Kalecki's theories, both in times when they were originally formulated, and at present. Also some qualities of Kalecki as a scientist, a teacher and a man are shown. First, the main tenets of Kalecki's theory of effective demand are set out in the context of Keynese's theory on the one hand, and the economic orthodoxy of the 1930s on the other hand. This is followed by a comparison of economic paradigm of Kalecki's theory with the respective paradigms of the neoclassical economics, the neoclassical synthesis, and also with the - recently rather popular - concept of "non-Keynesian effects" of fiscal expansion. Discussion of Kalecki's efforts towards rationalization of a centrally planned economy centers on his contributions to: (i) rejection of the "law" that for long gave undisputable foundations for permanent neglect of consumers' needs in economic development, (ii) the methodology of cost-benefit analysis in non-market environment, and (iii) attempts at improvement of the methodology and practice of central planning. The paper sets these contributions in a broader context of economic discussions and policy-making in those times. It also illustrates how some Kalecki's theoretical constructs may be usefully applied to solving some of our present-day problems, notwithstanding their different institutional and economic setting. Finally, Kalecki's contributions to non-inflationary financing of economic development of the Third World Countries are outlined. In March 1968, following attempted political coup and anti-Semitic campaign, that took especially ugly forms in the then Higher School of Planning and Statistics (presently, the Warsaw School of Economics), Kalecki's theories were subjected to unprecedented, non-substance criticism, his friends and students dismissed from their jobs and many forced to emigrate. Kalecki's school of thought was crushed and he himself resigned from his job, to be seen off in his last day in the School by a cloakroom attendant only. Celebrations of a hundred years anniversary of the School tend to leave this and some other shameful episodes in its history in oblivion, and to present a rather hagiographic account of the School's past. We'd better remember them, lest they reappear in the future. (original abstract)
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