- Autor
- Rank Susanne (University of Applied Sciences Mainz, Germany), Puapradit Teeradej (Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand)
- Tytuł
- Case Study about Germans and Thais : Impact of Locus of Control and Organization-Based Self-Esteem on Affective Organizational Commitment & Job Performance
- Źródło
- Journal of Intercultural Management, 2017, vol. 9, nr 2, s. 53-79, rys., tab., bibliogr. 58 poz.
- Słowa kluczowe
- Kultura, Zaangażowanie organizacyjne, Wydajność pracy, Samoocena, Analiza porównawcza
Culture, Organizational commitment, Labour efficiency, Self-esteem, Comparative analysis - Uwagi
- summ.
- Kraj/Region
- Niemcy, Tajlandia
Germany, Thailand - Abstrakt
- Individual self-evaluations like internal locus of control (ILOC) and organization-based self-esteem (OBSE) are discussed as personality traits relevant for positive work behavior of employees. Our case study focuses on the influence of these individual self-evaluations (ILOC & OBSE) on affective commitment and job performance in the contrary cultural settings of Germans and Thais. To test these assumptions, a case study was conducted with 196 German and Thai students with experience in workplaces. As independent variables ILOC and OBSE were assessed, three relevant cultural dimensions were chosen as independent variables: In comparison to Germans, high power distance, femininity and collectivism should be predicted as cultural values of Thais. AOC and self-reported job performance were assessed as dependent variables. Germans and Thais show different levels of three cultural values. Further findings revealed that Germans and Thais have identical levels of OBSE and job performance, but differ in ILOC and AOC. Regression analyses were employed to validate the relationships between the variables. Overall, nationality and masculinity impacted ILOC, whereas OBSE was influenced by masculinity and collectivism. In line with previous research, ILOC and OBSE predict AOC, surprisingly no cultural values impact AOC, but nationality does. Based on our hypothesis, job performance was impacted by ILOC, OBSE, AOC, and, however, also by masculinity. The influence of nationality vs. cultural values is not consistent on both dependent variables. Regardless of their German vs. Thai nationality our participants, i.e. highly qualified people, share masculinity as a common value. Confirming previous studies, self-esteem like ILOC and OBSE are valid predictors for commitment and job performance. Limitations and outlook for further research are discussed. (original abstract)
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- https://doi.org/10.1515/joim-2017-0008