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Čiefová Michaela (University of Economics, Bratislava)
Characteristics of Slovak Culture in the Context of Bilateral Austrian-Slovak Relations
Journal of Intercultural Management, 2017, vol. 9, nr 2, s. 81-101, rys., tab., bibliogr. 19 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Kultura, Różnice kulturowe, Zróżnicowanie kulturowe
Culture, Cultural differences, Cultural diversity
Republika Słowacka, Austria
Slovak Republic, Austria
Objective: The main intention of the present paper is, on the one hand, to provide a summary of the characteristics of Slovak culture by applying chosen theories and models. On the other hand, we attempt to underline the significance of bilateral Austro-Slovak relations in relation to the economy or migration tendencies. We assume that, based on geographical proximity and the above stated bilateral relations, intercultural encounters are relatively frequent as well. Therefore, certain perception of Slovaks from the Austrian point of view is likely to exist.
Methodology: Our work is based on relevant scientific sources, as well as on our own empirical research reposing in the analysis of an online questionnaire.
Findings: Overall, findings of our empirical research may be considered rather positive, as no negative or hostile responses concerning Slovak culture were reported. Furthermore, none of the participants experienced a conflict with a Slovak counterpart that could clearly be ascribed to cultural differences.
Value Added: We believe that the conclusions presented in this paper might be helpful not only for managers operating on the international level or businessmen intending to do business with their Slovak partners, for scholars engaged in similar topics but also for anyone interested in intercultural communication and cultural differences. (original abstract)
Pełny tekst
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