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Suzuki Teruji (Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie)
National Security and Defense after the Second World War of Japan
Krytyka Prawa, 2010, T. 2, Nr 1, s. 91-108, tab., bibliogr. 11 poz.,
Słowa kluczowe
Prawo, Bezpieczeństwo, Wojna Światowa II, Bezpieczeństwo narodowe
Law, Security, World War II, National security
summ., streszcz.,
As a result of the unconditional surrender during the Second World War, Japan changed in a revolu-tionary manner. In accordance with the conditions defined by the Potsdam Declaration of 1945, Japan was completely demilitarized and its territories were limited mainly to four islands including Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku and Hokkaido. Most of the other territories, like Taiwan (Formosa), Korea and the other small islands, which were taken as a result of wars and then administrated by the Japanese Au-thorities, were to be returned to the former ethnic authorities.(original abstract)
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Biblioteka Główna Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Katowicach
Pełny tekst
  1. J.W. Dower, Embracing Defeat; Japan in the Wake of World War, New York, 1999.
  2. J.E. Auer, Article Nine; Renunciation of War, in: Japanese Constitutional Law, ed. by P.R. Luney Jr, and K. Takahashi, Tokyo, 1993.
  3. T.Suzuki, Constitutionalism in Japan, "Master of Business Administration", 1(90) Styczeń-Luty, 2008.
  4. H.Takenaka, The Upper House Election Paradox, "Chuo Koron", May 2007.
  5. H. Abe, M. Shindo, S. Kawato, The Government and Politics of Japan, University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, 1990.
  6. B.Geremek, Rosja i Niemcy już nam nie grożą, Rzeczpospolita, 12 marca 2004; J. Stefanowicz (red.), Polska-NATO, 1990-1997, Warszawa 1997.
  7. N.Naoto, What's Gone Wrong with the Abe Administration?, "Ronza", June 2007.
  8. S.Eto, Y.Yamamoto, Sogo Anppo to Mirai no senntaku (Comprehensive Security and Future Choice), Tokyo, 1991.
  9. S.Takeshi, Crafting Japan's Asia Policy in a Multicolor World, "Ushio", June 2008.
  10. H. Abe, M. Shindo, S. Kawato, The Government and Politics of Japan, Tokyo, 1990.
  11. H.Owada, The United Nations and the Maintenance of International Peace and Security - The Current Debate in the Light of Reform Proposals, "The Japanese Annual of International Law", no. 48, 2005.
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