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Popyk Włodzimierz (Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland)
Investment Activity Of Wood Processing and Furniture Enterprises in the Years 2000 - 2009
Intercathedra, 2010, nr 26, s. 106 - 109, tab., bibliogr. 5 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Przemysł drzewny, Przemysł meblarski, Inwestycje
Wood industry, Furniture industry, Investment
Republika Słowacka
Slovak Republic
The paper presents the assessment of the innovative activity of wood-processing and furniture enterprises in the years 2000-2009. Until 2008 an increase in expenditure on investment activity was observed. In the recent two years investment activity has slowed down due to economic crisis. Investment in wood processing industry was mainly aimed at technical and technological modernisation of production plants. Furniture industry is characterised with balanced approach to technical and technological investment and investment in buildings and infrastructure(original abstract)
Pełny tekst
  1. Bolkowska Z.: Na dobrą rentowność wpływają też ceny wyrobów drzewnych! [Profitability is also influenced by wood products prices] Gazeta Drzewna. Poznań 2007, nr 12.
  2. Informacja na temat inwestycji przedsiębiorstw w okresie I-IX 2009 roku. [Information on investment in enterprises in the period of January - September 2009] Ministerstwo Gospodarki, Warszawa
  3. Lis W., Popyk W.: Directions of changes in wood and forest sector in Poland and european tendencies. ISBN 80- 89029-97-3. Marketing and Trade 2005. Modelling of resources use and products enforcement at the EU market.Technicki univerzity vo Zvolene. Zvolen 2005, s. 228 - 232, ryc. 1, poz. bibl. 11.
  4. Nakłady inwestycyjne w przemyśle według sektorów i działów. 2001-2009. [Investment in industry according to sectors and departments. 2001-2009] GUS, Warszawa
  5. Wyniki finansowe oraz nakłady inwestycyjne przedsiębiorstw w okresie trzech kwartałów 2005- IX 2009 r. [Financial results and investment of companies in the period of three quarters of 2005 to September 2009] GUS, Warszawa
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