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Kopczewski Marian (University of Security in Poznań, Poland), Tobolski Marek (University of Security in Poznań, Poland)
The Oversight of Fire Prevention in an Enterprise
Foundations of Management, 2013, vol. 5, nr 1, s. 33-41, tab., bibliogr. 20 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Ochrona przeciwpożarowa, Bezpieczeństwo i higiena pracy
Fire protection, Health and safety at work
An efficiently working fire protection system in an enterprise, a work place or an institution guarantees the proper execution of fire protection duties. Its proper organisation is of key importance. The conditions of the proper organisation of the fire protection system in a given organisational unit are above all the universality in the scope of using applicable provisions, knowledge of applicable provisions, appropriately exercised supervision of usage of applicable provisions, orders and established rules of conduct. The aim of this paper is to specify the most important duties of owners, users or managers in providing protection against fire or other local risks. This results from the fact that given the variety of operating enterprises, the character of their activity, kind of production and used technology, size, fire risk, etc. it is not possible to determine a standard model of a fire protection system for a particular work place. (original abstract)
Pełny tekst
  1. Abramowicz M., Adamski R.G. - Building fire safety. Part I, The Main School of Fire Service, Warsaw 2002.
  2. Cholerzyński W. - Components of building fire safety for auditors of qualification training of privates and non-commissioned officers of the State Fire Service. National Headquarters of the State Fire Service, Education for Safety Foundation, Warsaw 2005.
  3. Cieślak H. - Fire safety instruction. Rules of preparation and examples. Counseling and Human Resources Training Centre, Warsaw, 2009.
  4. Fiszer K., Markiewicz D. - Protection against fire and other threats. Forum 2003 (a guide with a quarterly update), Warsaw 2003.
  5. Fiszer K., Hetmann A., Markiewicz D. - A safe building, Forum. Warsaw 2006.
  6. Klemma P. - General building. Building physics. Vol. 2, Arkady, Warsaw 2005.
  7. Kucnerowicz-Polak B. - Fire and explosion risks. Central Institute for Labour Protection, Warsaw 2001.
  8. Laurowski T. - The handbook of fire protection. KaBe, Krosno 2010.
  9. Conference proceedings, The evaluation of fire out break risk and the analysis of ignitron source in manufacturing and storage premises, CS PSP, Częstochowa, 2007.
  10. Podawca K. - Technologia. An outline of general building. WSiP, Warsaw 2003.
  11. Rączkowski B. - Industrial safety in practice. ODDK Gdańsk 2008.
  12. The Fire Protection Law of 24 August 1991 (Journal of Regulations No 81, heading 351, with amendments).
  13. The Minister of the Interior's Regulation of 24 July 2009 on fire-fighting water supply and fire escape routes (Journal of Laws No. 124, heading 1030).
  14. The Minister of Economy's Regulation of 27 July 2004 on health and safety training (Journal of Regulations 2004 No. 180, heading 1860).
  15. The Minister of Education and the Minister of Labour and Social Policy's Regulation of 12 October 1993 (Journal of Regulations 1993 No. 103, heading 472).
  16. The Minister of Infrastructure of 12 April 2002 on technical conditions of buildings and their location (Journal of Regulations No. 75, heading 690, with amendments).
  17. The Minister of the Interior's Regulation of 7 June 2010 of fire protection of building, other construction works and areas (Journal of Laws of 22 June 2010).
  18. PS-92/N-01256/01 Safety signs. Fire protection.
  19. PS-92/N-01256/02 Safety signs. Evacuation.
  20. PS-92/N-01256/04 Safety signs. Technical fire-fighting measures.
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