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Amirinia Mohsen (University of Tehran, Tehran, IRAN, student), Hamedi Orkideh (Payame Noor University, Tehran, IRAN), Amiri Abdosamad (Islamic Azad University, Khorramabad, Iran)
A Study of Participative Management Method and Suggestion System Explanation in it
International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences (ILSHS), 2015, vol. 51, s. 72-81, rys., bibliogr. 13 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Zarządzanie, Współpraca, Islam
Management, Cooperation, Islam
Participation (P.) is a topic that's been existed since long back and it's been needed by man, to cooperate with each other in all affairs. In our country also, P. in Mgt. has been remarkably regarded, considering the advancement of Mgt. Science and Modern Mgt. matured in organizations (private and government institutes). An issue which has a special place in our religious affairs, that's been suggested a lot, to consult and contribute in Islamic issues. Today, P. in various affairs is an area under discussion which has been regarded a lot by managerial authorities, and is being looked as a way to compensate defections and inaudibility of classical structures with low efficiency and flexibility. P. in Mgt. implies that, all people of organization even those who don't have any role in decision making, can be effective in future progression of organization. In this research, it's been tried to clarify PM method as a successful technique which is confirmed by top management authorities around the world, as a means, having notable effects in success of organizations and signifying it as a proper way to be performed in organizations. So, we delve into participative management, goals, methods, PM affaires and participative aspects in Islam. Thus, SS has been studied from different aspect to achieve the best apparatus of personnel P in organizations. Consequently, we have introduced and clarified the SS, performing fields, performing goals, SS Structure, its defrayal challenges and approaches to overcome all these challenges in Iran. (original abstract)
Pełny tekst
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