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Kuruppuge Ravindra Hewa (Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic), Gregar Aleš (Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic)
Employee's Learning in the Organization - a Study of Knowledge Based Industries
Foundations of Management, 2018, vol. 10, nr 1, s. 13-22, rys., tab., bibliogr. 23 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Technologia informacyjna, Zarządzanie wiedzą, Uczenie się, Kształcenie
Information Technology (IT), Knowledge management, Studying, Learning
Klasyfikacja JEL: M1, M12
Author of this article is grateful to the Internal Grant Agency of FaME TBU No. IGA/FaME/2016/001: Enhancing Business Performance through Employees' Knowledge Sharing, for financial support to carry out this research.
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
This paper focuses on reviewing the learning behavior of individual employees in the firm over other influencing factors in knowledge-based industries in Sri Lanka. Using a stratified random sampling technique, a sample of 143 employees from jobs in Database Administration & Development, Systems & Network Administration, Web Development & Programming and Software Engineering was selected as respondents for the survey from 13 knowledge based industrial firms in Sri Lanka. After a descriptive analysis of the characteristics of respondents, the causal relationships among predictor and outcome variables were tested using the partial least squares regression method. The results indicated that the use of digital methods, digital tools, organizational identification and knowledge sharing are positively influenced by employee's learning in the firm. Yet, the employee's turnover intention has negatively influenced employee learning. (original abstract)
Pełny tekst
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