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Mousa Mohamed (Estonian Business School), Adjah Sai Andrew (Estonian Business School), Salhin Gehad (SB Institution, UK)
An Exploration for the Motives Behind Enhancing Senior Banker's Level of Organizational Resilience : a Holistic Case Study
Journal of Intercultural Management, 2017, vol. 9, nr 4, s. 141-163, rys., bibliogr. 57 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Banki, Zawód bankowca, Ludzie starsi, Odporność psychiczna
Banks, Profession of a banker, Elderly people, Psychological resistance
Klasyfikacja JEL: M114
Objective: the present paper aims to explore the main motives behind Cairo bank's attempts to raise its senior bankers' level of organizational resilience.
Methodology: after gathering and investigating all relevant literature about organizational resilience, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 24 of the senior bankers who work at Cairo bank at 6 October city, Giza, Egypt. All interviews were conducted in the Arabic language.
Findings: the findings of this study show that senior bankers at Cairo bank, like many other Egyptian classes, struggle in a state of uncertainty and consider it the main motive behind their bank's attempt to raise their resilience level. The pressure of stakeholders is, to a large extent, present, and there is a thought that fulfilling different societal obligations is a source for economic gains and accordingly, stakeholders' pressure is a second motive behind raising employees' organizational resilience. Furthermore, organizational culture adaptability and the tendency to responsively act in line with unpredicted events is a third motive. Finally, senior bankers' loud voice in calling for continuous grants for education and training has come to be the fourth motive.
Value added: the paper is considered the first to qualitatively investigate organizational resilience in Egypt.
Recommendations: The researchers are of the view that the development of every departmental agenda for needed resilience is a priority for improving organizational capacity. Moreover, reformulating the bank's values, operations and activities should also be considered to create a harmony between the external threats and the internal duties. Furthermore, there should be also an orientation to redefine the concept of "uncertainty" from time to time to include socio-political and socio- economic types of risk. (original abstract)
Pełny tekst
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