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Przybojewska Ilona (Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland)
Legal Possibilities of Carbon Capture and Storage in Poland
Law and Administration in Post-Soviet Europe, 2018, vol. 5, iss. 1, s. 18-27, bibliogr. 30 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Polityka klimatyczna, Emisja zanieczyszczeń, Prawne aspekty ochrony środowiska, Zmiany klimatyczne
Climate policy, Pollution emission, Environmental protection regulations, Climate change
An obvious and widening discrepancy appears between the major aims of the climate policy of the European Union and situation of countries such as Poland, which, to the broad extent, take advantage of their domestic coal resources within their energy mix. The vicious circle connected with energy basket dominated by that resource consists in the fact that the more the coal is being relied on (and, at the same time, the more the energy security of a given country is increased - as even in case of insufficient domestic resources, coal is relatively cheap and can be purchased elsewhere), the biggest problem there appears with regard to compliance with targets of greenhouse gases emissions reductions. Assuming that the price for an emission quota attained 20 euro, the cost of production of energy from coal would double. The aforementioned targets get more and more acute as the European Union policy in this respect, deliberately overlooking the impression which is hard to escape - that instead of being a global leader, it becomes the only one standing with regard to imposition of binding standards of reductions. The situation seems worse when we perceive the major weakness of the European Union - namely, the deepening dependence on import of energy resources jointly with the fact that the primary fossil fuels seem to be found in countries which due to various reasons are not of the desired level of credibility. (fragment of text)
Pełny tekst
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  28. Communication from the Commission to the European Council and the European Parliament 'An Energy Policy For Europe', 10.01.2007, COM/2007/0001 final.
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  30. European Parliament resolution of 14 January 2014 on implementation report 2013: developing and applying carbon capture and storage technology in Europe (2013/2079(INI), (2016/C 482/02).
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