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Szeliga-Duchnowska Anna (WSB University, Wrocław), Szewczyk Mirosława (Opole University of Technology, Poland)
Kano Questionnaire as a Tool for Evaluating Qualitative Characteristics of Educational Services: the Perspective of Loyal and Disloyal Students
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska, 2018, z. 116, s. 131-146, tab., bibliogr. 37 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Edukacja, Poziom edukacji, Jakość kształcenia, Studenci
Education, Level of education, Quality education, Students
summ., streszcz.
The main aim of the research was to identify the attributes of educational service, which affect its quality from the point of view of students. Simultaneously, the authors' intention was to check whether there appear differences in evaluation of the importance of characteristics of this service between the examined groups of customers, that is the loyal and the disloyal students. The most numerously represented is the category of Must-be attributes. The difference was noted in the case of classification of eleven out of thirty-three examined attributes. As regards the organization of studies, distribution of classes and facilitations, and also requirements set to the didactic personnel, the results of the research point to a lack of differences in the evaluations. The most frequently found differences occur in the assessment of the college's infrastructure.(original abstract)
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