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Szeliga-Duchnowska Anna (WSB University, Wrocław)
Gender and Counterproductive Work Behaviors among Police Officers
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska, 2018, z. 116, s. 147-162, tab., bibliogr. 36 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Płeć, Nierówność płci, Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi, Policja
Gender, Gender inequality, Human Resources Management (HRM), Police
summ., streszcz.
At the foundation of this research lies the belief that the sex can directly differentiate the perception of counterproductive behavior at work and also can be a moderator of the influence of different variables on the perception of counterproductive behaviors. The survey research was carried out in June 2017, with the use of Internet-based survey questionnaire (CAWI). There were altogether 198 police officers examined. The hypothesis of the occurrence of the dependence between the sex and the perception of counterproductive behaviors was subjected to verification. The chi-square test of independence and test of significance of differences between means were applied. The conclusions following from the research offer significant implications for elaboration of relevant procedures in the sphere of managing human resources in the police force, among others, with the aim to have the principle of equality of chances and that of equal treatment of women and men respected.(original abstract)
Pełny tekst
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