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Sobolewska-Mikulska Katarzyna (Warsaw University of Technology), Stańczuk-Gałwiaczek Małgorzata (Warsaw University of Technology)
The Assessment of the Scope of Implementation of the Idea of Multifunctional Rural Development in Land Consolidation Projects in Poland
Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 2018, z. 1 (47), s. 81-88, rys., tab., bibliogr. 25 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Obszary wiejskie, Grunty rolne, Rozwój obszarów wiejskich
Rural areas, Arable land, Rural development
streszcz., summ.
Land consolidation is considered as a tool for accomplishing the goals of multifunctional rural development. However, the mechanisms of execution of the idea do not offer a clear explanation. The aim of this paper is to assess the scope of implementation of the idea of multifunctional rural development in land consolidation projects in Poland. This paper attempts to assess whether all elements of the concept included in land consolidation procedures are dealt with in a sufficient manner. The analyses were based on the example of 15 selected land consolidation projects carried out in disparate regions of Poland. This paper presents the analyses of design solutions concerning three major aspects: the improvement of efficiency of farming, the preservation of the environment and the landscape, the social influence of land consolidation. According to the results of the studies, for all analyzed objects, satisfactory economic results were obtained which indirectly influence the social effects. However, environmental and landscape solutions were only partially considered. The studies have shown, that in Poland it seems necessary to create appropriate organizational and administrative structures in order to generate a tool for implementation of the multifunctional rural development idea within the process of land consolidation. (original abstract)
Pełny tekst
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