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Dworzecki Jacek (Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law Bielsko-Biała - Poland ; The Higher Police Training School in Szczytno ; Academy of the Police Force in Bratislava)
Special Operations with Respect to Witness Protection in the Czech Republic
Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law, 2018, nr 1, s. 48-54, bibliogr. 15 poz.
Zeszyty Naukowe / Wyższa Szkoła Finansów i Prawa w Bielsku Białej
Słowa kluczowe
Prawo, Policja, Regulacje prawne
Law, Police, Legal regulations
Republika Czeska
Czech Republic
The paper addresses the issue of special witness protection in the Czech Republic with respect to legal proceedings, organisational and tactical forms of protective actions implemented by the Police and the Prison Service towards persons admitted to protection programmes. The most significant legal acts regulating protective actions and operations adopted under the institution of an anonymous witness, special institution of witness protection and short-term protection have been drawn forward. Actions described in the paper constitute basic instruments of operational, exploratory and investigative work used by the Czech Republic Police in their fight against organised crime. The paper was written within the frame of a research project called "Understanding of Dimensions of Organized Crime and Terrorist Networks for Developing Effective and Efficient Security Solutions for First-line-practitioners and Professionals" (TAKEDOWN, H2020-FCT-2015, No: 700688).(original abstract)
Pełny tekst
  1. Dworzecki, J. (2010). Przestępczość zorganizowana. Zarys problematyki. In: A. Gałecki, M. Dalecka and T. Tabaczniuk, ed., Współczesne problemy bezpieczeństwa. Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, pp. 84-115
  2. Dworzecki, J. (2009). Medzinárodná spolupráca v rámci prevencie a boja proti organizovanej kriminalite. In: L. Hofreiter, ed., Bezpečnosť a bezpečnostná veda. Liptovský Mikuláš: Akadémia ozbrojených síl gen. M.R. Štefánika. pp. 273-280
  3. Dworzecki, J. and Szymczyk, J. (2010). Kryminologia. Gliwice: Gliwicka Wyższa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości.
  4. Brown,G. White,G. and Redding,G.,1984. Modern management.[e-book] London: Redfern Press. Available through: Anglia Ruskin University Library [Accessed 9 July 2011].
  5. Gołębiewski, J. (2008). Praca operacyjna w zwalczaniu przestępczości zorganizowanej. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Akademickie i Profesjonalne.
  6. Sotolář, A. and Púry, F. (2003). K možnostem a limitům využití institutu utajených svědků. Trestněprávní revue, (2), pp.37-37.
  7. Act No. 141 of 9 December 1961 on criminal proceedings. Coll. of laws of 1961, item 66 with later amendments.
  8. Act No. 555 of 10 December 1992 on the Prison Service and the Judiciary Guards of the Czech Republic.Set of laws of 1992, item 112 with subsequent amendments.
  9. Amending Acts No. 292 of 10 November 1993 on amending and supplementing of Act No. 141/1961 on criminal proceedings, Act No. 21/1992 on banks and Act No. 335/1991 on courts and judges.Coll. of Acts from 1993, item 74 with later changes.
  10. Act No. 101 of 4 April 2000 on the protection of personal data.Coll. of Acts of 2000, item 32 with later amendments.
  11. Act No. 137 of 29 March 2001 on special protection of a witness and other persons in connection with criminal proceedings. Coll. of Acts of 2001, item 56 with subsequent amendments.
  12. Act No. 273 of 17 July 2008 on the Police of the Czech Republic. Coll. of laws from 2008, item 91 with later amendments.
  13. Act No. 412 of 18 October 2005 on the protection of classified information and information security principles.Coll. of laws of 2005, item 143 with subsequent amendments.
  14. Hrudka Lt. Col., J. (2017). Interview with Lt. Col. Jozef Hrudka - Vice-dean of the Security and Law Department of the Police Academy of the Czech Republic in Prague.
  15. Interview with Chief M. Sz. (personal data for the exclusive information of the author), serving as an expert of the Team for the Protection of People at Risk of the Criminal Department of the Military Police Headquarters in Katowice. (2018). .
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