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Fodor Mónika (Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary), Jäckel Katalin (Budapest Business School), Szemere Tibor Pál (Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary), Almádi Bernadett (Szent István University, Gödöllő, Hungary)
The Practical Aspects of Employer Branding in the Light of the Findings of Qualitative Primary Research
Journal of Intercultural Management, 2019, vol. 11, nr 3, s. 66-86, bibliogr. 20 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Wizerunek pracodawcy, Pokolenie Z, Badanie jakościowe
Employer branding, Generation Z, Qualitative research
Klasyfikacja JEL: M51
Supported by the new national excellence programme of the Ministry for Human Resources.
Objective: Our study presents the partial results of the research with the Z generation, which aims to get acquainted with and explore the specific features of selecting Human Resources Professionals (HR) in order to increase employment, especially through the applicability of the tools of employee branding. Our main objective is to explore the tools that can be implemented in the branding process for the potential employees of the Z generation and to demonstrate the practical applicability of these elements to improve investment. In addition, we aim to explore the generational-specific characteristics of investments, what challenges should be addressed today by a HR specialist, what solutions and practices are used in relation to the relevant response to these challenges.
Methodology: In this publication, we present the partial results of a research project, supported by the New National Excellence Program of the Ministry of Human Resources (ÚNKP-18-3-III). In the first phase of the research project, we conducted a qualitative examination (B2C, B2B), in which we conducted thirty mini-focus interviews (using semi-structured interview guides). The subjects were recruited using a snowball sampling method, the filtering condition was the age of the subject. Only the subjects remained in the sample who, according to their age, belong to the Z generation.
Findings: As a result of this research, we can see what the HR specialists interviewed think the benefits of employer branding are if they are able to act with a conscious and strategic approach to HR activities. Investigating consumer attitudes related to investments - despite the recognition of their significance - is less well-researched, and articles of empirical research also appear in international literature today. In order to fill the gap, we would like to contribute to Hungarian studies.
Value Added: In our view, the results can provide useful information to companies who have similar difficulties in dealing with recruitment challenges and generational differences. In this paper we present the qualitative partial results of primary research. Both secondary and primary research show that a key factor for successful companies is the existence of a credible, internal employer branding strategy that continuously reflects on the labour market challenges. It is important that the employer's brand - just like a product / service brand - should be well-positioned with clear values and messages. The other important aspect is the coordination of the activities of the individual groups and areas, because marketing, PR and HR are the builders and representatives of the same brand. You can then be successful and credible with your employer branding if all the details - similarly to a puzzle - are in place.
Recommendations: Without the strategic approach, the directions, the goals, and the alignment of the activities are not identified, which is reflected in inefficiencies. The employer's brand has a well-positioned value, message and mission, which plays an especially important role in increasing the loyalty of young people (Y and Z generations). (original abstract)
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