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Przybojewski Jacek (Kolegium Jagiellońskie Toruńska Szkoła Wyższa)
The Constitution - Chosen Premises Justifying the Need to Introduce Amendments
Law and Administration in Post-Soviet Europe, 2019, vol. 6, iss. 1, s. 30-36, bibliogr. 18 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Konstytucja, Sądownictwo, Podział władz, Władza wykonawcza, Suwerenność
Constitution, Judicature, Distribution of power, Executive authority, Sovereignty
Indication of conditions constituting necessity of modifications within the scope of the Constitution shall be considered while perceiving the leading role of the Constitution in Polish legal order. Constitutional regulations determine standards for the entire legal system of the Republic of Poland. It is also worth a while to consider the need for unambiguous determination of relations of constitutional norms, also with regard to the law of the European Union. Doubts appearing within the scope of systemic rules concern mainly regulations specifying the rule of division and balancing of powers. Actually, they consist in lacks with regard to organization of bodies of each of three powers. Another issue is improvement of solutions determining coexistence of government and local government administration within the broader scope of principles of uniformity of the state and decentralization of public power. The article presents an analysis related to the aforementioned issues. (original abstract)
Pełny tekst
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