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Jancz Anna (Poznań University of Economics and Business)
Seniors' Housing Preferences in the Rural Areas
World of Real Estate Journal, 2019, nr 2(108), s. 19-35, rys., tab., bibliogr. 27 poz.
Świat Nieruchomości
Słowa kluczowe
Ludzie starsi, Rynek mieszkaniowy, Potrzeby mieszkaniowe, Preferencje
Elderly people, Housing market, Housing needs, Preferences
Klasyfikacja JEL: R31
Purpose: To identify seniors' housing preferences.
Methods: A survey questionnaire conducted among seniors in rural communes of the Greater Poland Province.
Findings: What was characteristic of the group under the survey was their accommodation in single-family houses. Respondents were not inclined to migrate and they preferred to stay in their present house or flat and adapt it to suit their future needs connected with old age. People who would decide to move would mostly choose to live in a detached/terraced house (up to 100 m2) or a two-room flat in a low block of flats (up to four floors). As regards financing, they would prefer to exchange their old flat for a new one or sign a long-term rent agreement. Respondents would like to live in the countryside or in the outskirts of the city. They would also choose a location not too distant from their present place of living due to their family relations and neighbour friends. Respondents would also consider moving to a building adapted to the needs of senior residents - flats with facilities for disabled people and services available for seniors. The most valued services were medical nursing and rehabilitation care. Housing preferences of elderly people living in a rural area were difficult to determine, especially among men. During meetings of seniors those were women who participated most often. The research was time-consuming and expensive. The housing preferences survey for seniors should be extended to studies in other voivodships.
Research implications: The research can be used by local governments and developers to create an offer of senior housing in Poland for different groups of elderly people. (original abstract)
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Biblioteka SGH im. Profesora Andrzeja Grodka
Pełny tekst
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