- Autor
- Piepiora Paweł (Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu)
- Tytuł
- Organization of a mass sport event on the example of the XII Shotokan FSKA Karate World Championships
- Źródło
- Quality in Sport, 2019, vol. 5, nr 3, s. 53-61, rys., bibliogr. 24 poz.,
- Słowa kluczowe
- Sport, Zarządzanie sportem, Logistyka
Sport, Sport management, Logistics - Uwagi
- summ., streszcz.,
- Abstrakt
- The subject of the research was the description and explanation of the role, significance and course of logistics processes in organizing a mass sports event on the example of the XII Shotokan FSKA Karate World Championships, which took place in Poland in Kowary and Karpacz on September 23-26, 2010. The purposeful selection of the sample was dictated by the subject of the study, which includes activities related to the preparation, organization and settlement of a mass sports event. A feedback model was adopted to describe and explain the functions of the organization of a mass sports event and the processes occurring in it. The analysis carried out was based on the identification of logistics processes divided into basic, supporting and management. Then a logical design of the consequences of individual activities was formulated and maps of relations between individual areas of logistics activities were designed. Networks of actions implemented were built and the earliest and latest dates of events were established. Time gaps as well as critical and strategic processes were identified. Events that initiated processes and were critical to the organization of the 12th Shotokan FSKA Karate World Championships were identified.(original abstract)
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- Bibliografia
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- Cytowane przez
- 2450-3118
- Język
- eng
- http://dx.doi.org/10.12775/QS.2019.017