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Busłowska Anna (University of Bialystok, Poland)
Integrated Territorial Investments and the Improvement of Transport Mobility and Accessibility of Urban Functional Areas - the Example of the Białystok Functional Area
Optimum : Economic Studies, 2020, nr 1(99), s. 144-154, tab., bibliogr. s. 153-154
Słowa kluczowe
Transport, Inwestycje w transporcie, Ekonomika transportu
Transport, Investments in transport, Transport economics
Klasyfikacja JEL: O18, O21
Purpose - The aim of the paper is to identify the activities implemented as part of the Integrated Territorial Investments (ITI) in order to improve transport accessibility and mobility using the example of the investments undertaken in the Białystok Functional Area (BFA). The formulated hypothesis implies that in the Bialystok Functional Area support is available for various projects financed from ITI in order to improve transport mobility and accessibility. Research method - The analysis was based both on a literature review of the subject and using the Author's own research conducted in October 2019 on the Bialystok Functional Area Association (BFAA), including the data from the IT system - SL 2014. The analysis was based on the case studies of the projects implemented within ITI funds within the frame of improving the mobility and transport accessibility in the BFA. The analysis was supplemented with statistical research and a survey which was conducted among the employees of ten BFA municipalities responsible for the implementation of transport investments. Results - The analysis demonstrated that the projects aimed at improving the mobility and transport accessibility are undertaken by the majority of BFA municipalities. These activities are varied and adjusted to the needs of specific local government units, with a high share of funding for this type of undertakings. The undertaken investments focus, specifically on the development of the bicycle paths network and the road infrastructure. The implemented projects will not solve all the transport problems of the BFA, however they constitute an important element that ensures mainly the increase of the availability of Park & Ride and Bike & Ride infrastructure and municipal public transport services. Originality / value - The integrated territorial investment is a new instrument of the European Union cohesion policy. It is specifically dedicated for the functional urban areas. Hence it is a new research topic, the study of which will be important to determine the pros and cons of the new ITI instrument and its assessment in the development of cities and their functional areas. (original abstract)
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Biblioteka SGH im. Profesora Andrzeja Grodka
Biblioteka Główna Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Katowicach
Pełny tekst
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