- Autor
- Jadach-Sepioło Aleksandra (Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie)
- Tytuł
- Gentryfikacja miast
Gentrification of Cities - Źródło
- Problemy Rozwoju Miast, 2007, nr 3, s. 66-79, tab.
- Słowa kluczowe
- Urbanistyka, Miasto, Gentryfikacja
Urban studies, City, Gentrification - Uwagi
- summ.
streszcz. - Abstrakt
- W artykule przedstawiono ewolucje pojęcia gentryfikacja w literaturze światowej, wskazano główne typy gentryfikacji. W związku z licznymi związkami gentryfikacji z innymi procesami odnowy miast, a w szczególności z rewitalizacja przestrzeni miejskiej, wskazano główne cechy wyróżniające gentryfikacje spośród procesów odnowy miast oraz przedstawiono ja jako element strategii polityki miejskiej. W ostatniej części artykułu omówiono charakterystyczne cechy procesów gentryfikacji w miastach polskich. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The article attempts to synthesize the knowledge on the processes being a part of gentrification. The subject is new in Polish literature; however, the research in the field of gentrification in postindustrial countries had already started in the 1960's. First definition of gentrification was formulated by R. Glass, who described the process as a gradual succession of London city center by the middle-class and transformation of degraded housings into luxury residences. At present the gentrification may be described as buyout of premises in degraded districts with a purpose of transforming them into luxury flats and apartments for households with high income. Main typology of the process includes three kinds of gentrification: gentrification sensu stricto ("yuppification"), marginal gentrification, upgrading and incumbent upgrading. In the United States of America and Great Britain, where the effects of gentrification could be seen at the earliest, the opinions on them were diverse. In Great Britain the gentrification was treated reluctantly, by paying attention first of all to the negative externalities. The United States (which was the result of the fiscal system) started qucikly to treat gentrification as a necessary evil, but more and more often it played a role of an alternative way of city space renewal. However in the course of time the elements of gentrification started to be included in the strategies of city renewal. After that American patterns were used also in other countries (the article presents the strategy of Bilbao [Spain] renewal). As far as post-socialist cities are concerned, we can talk only about an initial phase of the gentrification processes. In many post-socialist cities central districts are characterised mainly by negative spatial and social phenomena, and rapid morphological changes were accompanied at the initial part of the transformation by depopulation of city centers and pauperisation of the inhabitants. At present the commercialisation of city centers arouses interest of luxury households in flats in the center. New investments arise, both developer and private. In Polish literature the research showing the structure of purchasers of flats in tenements renewed by developers and newly built apartment houses in city centers, is missing. What is missing, is also the analysis of connection between commercialisation and gentrification. This article may be a starting point for such research. (original abstract) - Dostępne w
- Biblioteka SGH im. Profesora Andrzeja Grodka
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