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Wierzchowski Maciej W. (Instytut Rozwoju Miast w Krakowie)
Wybrane aspekty remontów i modernizacji powojennych zasobów mieszkaniowych w Polsce
Selected Aspects of Repair and Modernisation of the Post-war Housing Stock in Poland
Problemy Rozwoju Miast, 2007, nr 3, s. 88-103, bibliogr. 18 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Globalizacja gospodarki, Zasoby mieszkaniowe, Modernizacja budynków, Remonty
Economic globalization, Housing resources, Modernization of buildings, Repairs
W rządowych programach funkcjonowania mieszkalnictwa należy uwzględniać zagadnienia remontów i modernizacji zasobów budowlanych. Na szczeblu gminy sprawy mieszkalnictwa powinny być regulowane przez lokalne strategie mieszkaniowe. Celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na wybrane aspekty remontów i modernizacji powojennych zasobów mieszkaniowych w Polsce, związane z jednoznaczna definicja problemu, cyklem życia obiektu budowlanego, przesłaniem tzw. Karty ateńskiej, a także globalizacja gospodarki i uwarunkowaniami społecznymi. (abstrakt oryginalny)

In addition to constructing new dwellings, tasks faced by the housing policy of the state should also concern problems of proper maintenance and utilisation of the existing housing stock. Government housing programmes should rationally include repair and modernisation of the existing stock. Thermal modernisation projects, as well as environmental protection and renewal of cities based on the principle of social participation should be essential elements of any action in that field. The Law of 21 June 2001 on the Protection of Tenants' Rights, Commune's Housing Stock and change of the Civil Code obligates communes to create conditions for fulfilling the housing needs of local government communities. Directions for housing development within the commune should be set out by the housing strategy, which is an integral part of the commune's strategy of economic development. Local housing strategies should give consideration to the issues of repair and modernisation of existing housing stock. The professional literature, which is available in Poland, and which concerns the sanification of the existing building substance is abundant. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to draw attention to the selected aspects of repair and modernisation of the post-war housing stock, related to an unambiguous definition of the problem, message conveyed by the socalled "Chart of Athens", globalisation of economy, as well as social determinants. The area of sanification of the existing building substance has created its own terminology and professional vocabulary, which go beyond the framework of everyday language and existing terminology. The article presents an attempt to put straight basic notions related to the sanification of the post-war housing stock in Poland. Another issue, which is important for the problem of repair and modernisation of the existing housing stock, is the life cycle of a building structure. The paper quotes the positions of L. Kałkowski and J. Gorynski, who explain, among other things, the question of the loss of value by buildings, their wear, and selection of the moment in which to end the use of buildings, as well as the "investment echo". When considering the problems of repair and modernisation of the post-war housing stock in Poland, one should mention the Chart of Athens, which was adopted by the 4th Congress of Modern Architecture CIAM (Les Congrès Internationaux de l'Architecture Moderne) in 1933 in Athens. The Chart of Athens, which was prepared under the guidance of Le Corbusier, analysed the living environment of large city dwellers, and established modern rules of urban planning to enable the creation of rational and healthy life space in cities. The development of housing is branded with economy globalisation, including consideration that is given to the impact of nationwide and worldwide processes on spatial economy, which is viewed from a local point of view. An essential feature of globalisation consists in conscious or subconscious unification of economic and social behaviours, including also those connected with models of housing needs and consumption, or of the levels of engineering and technology. The new wave of social stratification impinges on needs communicated on the housing property market, especially as regards: - location of a settlement unit; - standard of a settlement unit, its furnishing with technical and social infrastructure elements, as well as surface area, technical and furnishing standards of specific buildings; - standards of operation, maintenance and safety of a given settlement unit and its particular objects. Property location factors determine market behaviours of the investors. In central parts of cities, the number of undeveloped land properties, designed for housing projects in zoning plans is limited. Conscious consumers and investors know that the property which suits their needs is in many cases the so-called rare good, which can be acquired only in a specific time moment and on conditions imposed by the market. In the case of properties, especially those luxurious ones, these are also specific preferences of consumers and investors, fashion, snobbery and prestige that matter in their market behaviours (here we have come across the so-called Veblen's paradox, which is an exception to the demand law). Also important are long-term economic and political predictions, and, in extreme cases, speculation activities. It happens more and more often that owning a flat or business located in the city centre and running one's business there is a sort of symbol of one's social position and a determinant of achieved economic effectiveness. In many situations, those ambitions can be satisfied only by the renewal of the existing building substance and adjusting it to new needs. We also encounter real estate investments on the housing market, when free capitals are exchanged for attractive (in the investors' opinion) building plots and areas, as well as houses or flats, which constitute a relatively safe form of capital investing. This causes that, as far as demand is concerned, the property market is more and more often linked with the capital market. (original abstract)
Dostępne w
Biblioteka SGH im. Profesora Andrzeja Grodka
Pełny tekst
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