- Autor
- Radziszewska Aleksandra (Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland)
- Tytuł
- Quality Assessment of E-Commerce Service in The Context of Customer Expiriences
- Źródło
- Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering, 2018, vol. 1, s. 635-640, tab., bibliogr. 19 poz.
- Słowa kluczowe
- e-usługi, Handel elektroniczny, Satysfakcja klienta
e-services, e-commerce, Customer satisfaction - Uwagi
- streszcz., summ.
- Abstrakt
- With rapid growth of the Internet, companies adopted the new information and communication technology to offer e-services to their customers. This paper addresses e-service quality issue in the electronic marketplace. Service quality of e-retailers has been recognized as an important factor in determining success of e-commerce ventures. The objective of this research is to develop a theoretical, comprehensive, and measurable framework for assessing the quality of ecommerce services and to indicate factors, which are significant for customers satisfaction and high quality online shopping experiences. This paper reviewed the most recognized evaluation criteria, which are used in different e-commerce websites, and proposes a general comprehensive framework for evaluating the quality of any e-commerce service regarding to two main areas: website features and customer service in e-commerce platform. The detailed list of quality attributes in both assessment areas was derived from the reviewed literature. The survey and analysis described in this paper enable a better understanding of the influence these quality attributes on the main quality assessment categories. The results provide an important foundation for the understanding of quality in e-commerce services that will allow to assess the strengths and weaknesses of each e-commerce service. This paper concludes by discussing the findings of this study and highlighting areas for the future research. (original abstract)
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- Cytowane przez
- 2545-2827
- Język
- eng
- http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/mape-2018-0080