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Sułkowski Łukasz (Jagiellonian University in Crakow, Poland), Dziedzic Justyna (University of Social Sciences, Lodz, Poland)
Scientist Organizational Identity - the Diversity of Perspectives
Journal of Intercultural Management, 2020, vol. 12, nr 4, s. 29-48, rys., bibliogr. 38 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Tożsamość przedsiębiorstwa, Motywacje, Nauczyciele akademiccy
Enterprise identity, Motivation, Academic teachers
Klasyfikacja JEL: M12, M14, O15
Objective: The purpose of this article is to show the diversity of possibilities for interpreting identities in the context of the academic profession by showing the different dimensions of participation in the academic community and personality transformations associated with the capture of certain attitudes and behaviors of the scientists.
Methodology: The article is based on a critical analysis of the literature dealing with the sense of organizational identity in the scientific context. We expanded the characteristics associated with this issue to the recognitions arising from the complexity of participating in the life of science on many levels. The work provides an overview of the research approaches of potential detectable factors shaping the investigator's personality in organizational terms. Provided a theoretical background on scientist identity in an organizational context in this paper provides the directions of the research that brings diagnosis in management sciences.
Findings: Scientist organizational identity is the concept that provides a few interpretational directions that can be explored in the management context. The empirical views on this subject provide two levels of meaning. On the first level, it raises questions about individual needs related, on the one hand, to the factors of participation in this profession's life, like prestige, carrier, and power. On the other hand, the second level's meaning is connected with the scientist's personality and compatible with his professional choices like scientific orientation on life choices and creative disposition of high professionalism. The multi-mentality of participation, both physical, emotional, and life academism discourse, brings many recognitions of the concept of scientific organizational identity.
Value Added: Attention has been paid to the critical discourse on the theory of an organization's influence on its scientific members' identity. Also, an indication of the role of these processes in the power and hierarchy context. In the other context, we try to understand the role of individual human dispositions and professional socialization processes in the academic profession.
Recommendations: Scientists' organizational identity is an interesting direction to explore, that brings many reflections about the influence that brings the academic profession area to scientific senses of being. These processes also influence factors like bureaucracy, hierarchy, career politics, evaluation processes, and academic organizational narratives. (original abstract)
Pełny tekst
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