- Autor
- Koszowski Michał
- Tytuł
- Polish Regulatory Policy Aimed at Counteracting Alcoholism as an Element of Ensuring Safety in Tourism - the Case of Travel Insurance
- Źródło
- Folia Turistica / Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. B. Czecha w Krakowie, 2021, nr 57, s. 47-60, bibliogr. 19 poz.
- Tytuł własny numeru
- Travel and Tourism Law in the Face of Contemporary Threats to Tourist Safety and Security
- Słowa kluczowe
- Polityka regulacyjna, Alkoholizm, Turystyka, Ubezpieczenia
Regulatory policy, Alcoholism, Tourism, Insurances - Abstrakt
- Purpose: The aim of the article is to assess whether the current legal framework on travel insurance contracts allows the regulations in question to be included in the legal instruments that both ensure safety in tourism and constitute an element of the regulatory policy aimed art counteracting alcoholism and the negative effects of alcohol consumption.
Method: The main method used in the submitted article is the legal dogmatic method, which, however, is not used in the strict sense. Additionally, analysis of the normative text is supplemented with the author's independent reference to judicial decisions and legal doctrine.
Findings: Analysis of legal regulations and judicial decisions allows to indicate that the structure of travel insurance makes it an element of the regulatory policy aimed at counteracting alcoholism. Accidents can often be classified as insurance events within the meaning of various types of insurance contracts, including travel insurance. Therefore, the structure of these agreements cannot assume the form of a specific sanction for alcohol consumption. However, to ensure the fullest possible safety in tourism, insurance events of this type should not be excluded from the liability of insurers without deeper reflection on the purpose of this kind of protection, also within the context of the policy aimed at counteracting addictions and their effects on health and life.
Research and conclusions limitations: The legal analysis is focused on the Polish legal regulation of the issue.
Practical implications: The conducted research may be an indication for the creation of mandatory regulations regarding travel insurance contracts, as well as the content of the contracts themselves and general insurance conditions.
Originality: Research on regulatory policy that is rarely of interest to legal scientists.
Type of paper: In the article, theoretical concepts are presented. This text is an overview in nature.(original abstract) - Pełny tekst
- Pokaż
- Bibliografia
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- Cytowane przez
- 0867-3888
- Język
- eng
- http://dx.doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0015.6320