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Jaroszewicz Adam (Politechnika Wrocławska)
Small Aircraft Transportation System
Logistics and Transport, 2009, vol. 9, s. 23-30, rys., bibliogr. 16 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Transport, Transport lotniczy, Technologia, Modernizacja, Samoloty
Transport, Air transport, Technology, Modernization, Planes
The article presents ways of transportation system development which is possible to revolutionize personal air transport in the first half of the 21st century. Small Aircraft Transportation System - SATS uses small planes operating on the current aerodromic infrastructure. Aeroplanes operated by one pilot taking onboard up to 14 passengers should considerably speed up air transportation "from door to door" at the distance to 1500 kms. This aircraft should perform on airports with underdeveloped flight control systems, landing support systems or well developed infrastructure. The article comprises SATS system requirements on procedures, technologies and the modernization of flight control systems.(original abstract)
Pełny tekst
  1. Anon B., Small Aircraft Transportation System Return on Investment, Study Report for the Years 1999-2001, Southeast Small Aircraft.
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  6. Dollyhigh S., Analysis of Small Aircraft as a Transportation System, NASA/CR-2002-211927, September 2002.
  7. Holmes B., National General Aviation Roadmap: Definition for a Small Aircraft Transportation System:
  8. NASA SATS Project Office, SATS Concept of Operations Document, May 2002.
  9. Orkisz M., Majka A., Koncepcja rozwoju systemu transportu pasażerskiego samolotami lekkimi w oparciu o sieć lotnisk regionalnych, AIR SHOW 2009: Rozwój Lotnictwa w Regionach, Radom 2009.
  10. SATS Small Aircraft Transportation System, ed. by Bowen B. D., University of Nebraska at Omaha Aviation Institute, Omaha NE 2000.
  11. Scott P., Taxi! Taxi!, "Popular Science", 261 (2002)/4, pp. 72-78.
  12. Stelmach A., Wizja rozwoju lotnisk regionalnych dla systemu transportu małymi samolotami w Polsce, AIR SHOW 2009: Rozwój Lotnictwa w Regionach, Radom 2009.
  13. Świątecki A., Nita P., Świątecki P., Lotniska, Wydawnictwo Instytutu Technicznego Wojsk Lotniczych, Warszawa 1999.
  14. Trani T., Economics of Small Aircraft Transportation System and Lower Landing Minima, TSAA Group, Air Transportation Systems Labs, Virginia Tech., 2003.
  15. Transportation Research Board, Future Flight. A Review of the Small Aircraft Transportation System Concept, Special Rept. 263, National Academy Press, Washington DC 2001.
  16. Viken S. A., Brooks F. M., Johnson S. C., Overview of the Small Aircraft Transportation System Project For Enabling Operating Capabilities, "Journal of Aircraft", 41 (2004)/1, pp. 1-24.
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