- Autor
- Skuza Agnieszka (Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poznań, Poland), Woldu Habte G. (The University of Texas at Dallas, USA), Alborz Shawn (The University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
- Tytuł
- Who Is Talent? Implications of Talent Definitions for Talent Management Practice
- Źródło
- Economics and Business Review, 2022, vol. 8 (22), nr 4, s. 136-162, tab., bibliogr. 83 poz.
- Słowa kluczowe
- Zarządzanie talentami, Kapitał ludzki, Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi
Talent management, Human capital, Human Resources Management (HRM) - Uwagi
- summ.
tab., bibliogr. 83 poz. - Abstrakt
- Although talent is considered imperative for gaining a competitive advantage, talent management programs' effectiveness is unknown. It is believed that consensus on a strong theoretical underpinning for identifying talent and its general definition is yet to be achieved among academia and practitioners. This lack of integration and agreement on a single definition among scholars lead to more confusion which inhibits the advancement of talent management scholarship. The notion also requires renewed attention in the post-pandemic era because everything may not go back to normal as pre-pandemic. This study addresses the gap and focuses on reviewing the existing scholarship on talent definitions and its conceptualization in one place. The study also aims to present the potential implications of talent definition on talent management practices. Among the various implications discussed, it is argued that a single approach to talent definition makes the company vulnerable as it is not using the full potential of talent management. Finally, based on this in-depth review, the study will highlight potential critical research areas towards which the scholarship of talent may be extended. (original abstract)
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- http://dx.doi.org/10.18559/ebr.2022.4.7