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Repík Dušan (University of Defence in Brno, Czech Republic), Foltin Pavel (University of Defence in Brno, Czech Republic)
Applications of Performance Indicators for Optimization of Humanitarian Chains
LogForum, 2022, vol. 18, nr 4, s. 495-504, rys., tab., wykr., bibliogr. 24 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Logistyka w łańcuchu dostaw, Pomoc humanitarna, Optymalizacja, Mierniki efektywności
Logistics in supply chain, Humanitarian aid, Optimalization, Effectiveness indicators
Background: Humanitarian operations are a key contribution to alleviating human suffering and reducing property damage. The success of these measures is conditioned by the implementation of efficient and sufficiently flexible logistics chains. The specificity of the conditions for the distribution of material aid requires the preparation of a suitable distribution system, the necessary capacities, and the creation of conditions to achieve the flexibility of individual solutions. The key issue for the implementation of the humanitarian aid distribution itself is the identification of suitable performance indicators, considering the specifics in the individual phases of humanitarian aid implementation. Methods: The approach is based on the research and content analysis, followed by creating a conceptual model and workflow diagram using interviews with experts, and identifying key performance indicators for optimization within the case study. Results: The humanitarian supply process was identified through a workflow diagram. A model was built to illustrate a case study of the use of rail transport to the provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine crisis in 2022. Performance indicators are compiled for the model. Recommendations are formulated for the creation of suitable indicators of the performance of humanitarian logistics chains. Conclusion: A gap and research problem in performance improvement and its measurement is identified within humanitarian logistics. This study examines the opportunity to improve the performance of humanitarian distribution to Ukraine in 2021. (original abstract)
Pełny tekst
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