- Autor
- Kretek Henryk A. (Silesian University of Technology), Dworak Janusz (Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa University in Gdańsk)
- Tytuł
- Thought Experiment as a Form of Initiating and Supporting Innovation Research
- Źródło
- Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska, 2022, z. 165, s. 131-147, bibliogr. 29 poz.
- Słowa kluczowe
- Innowacje, Informacja, Eksperyment badawczy, Badania naukowe, Myślenie twórcze
Innovations, Information, Scientific experiment, Scientific research, Creative thinking - Uwagi
- summ.
- Abstrakt
- Purpose: The article is an attempt to demonstrate the author's unconventional way of presenting a method of generating innovative ideas. Thus, the previous patterns of research procedure were replaced with various literary forms in order to activate the intellectual capital of the people taking part in the study. In addition, the authors presented ways of using a thought experiment as a form of creating innovative solutions in various fields of science. Methodology/approach: the authors, wishing to go beyond the boundaries set by well-known quantitative and qualitative research methods, propose their own approach to generating innovative ideas. Limitations: Aware of the fact that divagation and deliberation create abstractions, they took the trouble to structure them through a series of short intellectual narratives, accompanied by a rational commentary. Implications: The article explicitly identifies roles: that of the scientist, whose opinion appears at the beginning and end of each divagation and deliberation, and the role of the intellectual who articulates these divagations and deliberations. Value: As will be seen in the examples, a thought experiment is not a compact monolith concerning the essence of the issue, but a rather free-flowing presentation of loosely related issues. It is an attempt to encourage: students, managers or educators to freely articulate: abstract, original and therefore non-standard considerations, which can stimulate generating all kinds of ideas: in private life, in companies, and in the sciences, humanities and social sciences.(original abstract)
- Pełny tekst
- Pokaż
- Bibliografia
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- Cytowane przez
- 1641-3466
- Język
- eng
- http://dx.doi.org/10.29119/1641-3466.2022.165.10